No virus definitions read! Please reinstall VirusScan. Consult the manual or McAfee Associates to resolve the problem. a verification error was encountered load virus definition The VirusScanner has been modified! This could be the result of viral activity. Please re-install VirusScan from a clean installer. There is more than one VirusScanner extension installed on this machine. Please make sure and remove all duplicates. out of disk space accessing fingerprint database an out of memory error encountered accessing fingerprint database the fingerprint database is corrupted the fingerprint database too new a CRC not found a CRC doesn’t match a virus definition file is too new an unknown error (^0) a program exception was encountered a permission error. a volume was not on-line a file was already open with write permission of a duplicate file name a file is busy a volume is locked a file is locked a diskette is write protected a file was not found too many files are open of an out of memory error an ill-formed file name was encountered an I/O error was encountered no such volume was found a disk full error was encountered a directory full error was encountered complete scan run VirusScanner Could not ^0 because ^1. ^2